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Artificial Intelligence Is Checking Into Your Hotel – Are You Ready? | By Robert Braun

19 September 2024
Artificial Intelligence Is Checking Into Your Hotel – Are You Ready?
Artificial Intelligence Is Checking Into Your Hotel – Are You Ready? (source: Created by HN with DALL·E)

Even though artificial intelligence has been a part of our lexicon for more than seventy years, artificial intelligence remains the latest bright shiny thing. Businesses large and small feel compelled to incorporate artificial intelligence into their company descriptions even with a limited understanding of what artificial intelligence is, or how it could help their business. Hotels and hotel companies are no different; just take a look at the online newsletters and announcements hitting your mailbox; it’s a rare day that a hotel company doesn’t announce that it is incorporating artificial intelligence into their business, whether to increase guest satisfaction, offer new services, improve reservations, or any of a variety of reasons.

While artificial intelligence can clearly help, jumping on the AI bandwagon can have unintended consequences.

What is Artificial Intelligence?
Most of us have an imperfect concept of artificial intelligence: we think that the title is descriptive of the product. However, artificial intelligence is not necessarily what it sounds like. IBM defines artificial intelligence as “technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy.” But what most people think of as artificial intelligence is generative AI, technology that can create original text, images, video, and other content without human intervention.

Underlying this is a hard fact: artificial intelligence is highly technical and very difficult. As an expert in the field, Joseph Greenberg of Maryman and Associates told me, “To understand artificial intelligence, you understand neural networks.” I don’t understand neural networks – do you?

What are the risks of Artificial Intelligence?
Some of the risks in artificial intelligence – or, more accurately, AI systems and tools – are well publicized. For example, AI “hallucinations,” occurring when a generative AI tool that creates responses to prompts that have little or no basis in fact, have become legendary. Biased or inaccurate responses are a common issue, and certain AI models have design flaws that can magnify those issues. Additionally, because of the complexity of AI systems, artificial intelligence cannot be treated simply as another form of software – different and more intensive vetting of AI systems are required.

An AI system is not like a car, or a computer, or a lot of things we use but don’t understand. Or, more accurately, it’s like having a car without understanding what the steering wheel, accelerator and brake do. You are bound to have an accident.

The National Institute for Standards and Technology recently published a “Risk Management Framework” that identifies several risks that are inherent in AI systems. Among other things:

Moreover, a functioning AI system raises risks of inadequate compliance with laws, inadvertent disclosure of personal and business information, and a variety of ethical dilemmas. The takeaway here is that if you cannot identify or measure the risk, you might be unable to manage it.

Managing the Risk.
While eliminating risk might be impossible, it can be managed. Some of the steps a company can take to control the risk in AI systems include:

There are also actions you can take to limit your risk exposure:

Artificial Intelligence tools are expected to transform the way we work. They have the potential to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and provide valuable insights into our operations. However, the use of AI tools also presents new challenges in terms of information security and data protection. Adopting AI systems and tools requires preparation and careful thought – don’t just reach for the brightest new penny!


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